Lint Free Paper Towels* For All Applications

Are you seeing pressure from company-wide or regulatory sources to find lint free products? Then our Towels can help you step up your game and maintain total cost of ownership. Contamination issues associated with using a traditional paper towels for industrial applications is one of the leading causes of wipe based contamination, which is a hidden cost that you don’t always see until it’s too late. If you are searching for lint free paper towels then chances are, you are seeing the light, so get it right with our full line of non-woven wipes built for the toughest and most delicate tasks under the sun. Reach out to us today, we offer free samples and expert advice every step of the way.

* Discover The Truth About Lint Free Wipes.

Featured Products

ValuClean® Plus


ValuClean® Plus is a hydroentangled rayon/polyester nonwoven wiper recommended for ISO Class 5 and above environmenst. It offers exceptional absorbency, durability and cleanliness at an economical price point. Due to 50% rayon content, ValuClean® Plus has best-in-class absorbency, reducing actual wiper usage in spill removal applications. Its soft hand and low fiber shedding performance make it a good choice in critical cleaning applications where economy is important.

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BlueSorb® 750


Berkshire Bluesorb® 750 cleanroom wipes combine the cleanliness of synthetic polyester with the absorbent characteristics of cellulose. Its blue color provides noticeable differentiation for use within cleanrooms and critical areas. It is chemically compatible with common cleaning and disinfecting solutions.

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Durx® 670


Superior strength and absorbency make Durx® 670 an ideal choice as a general purpose wiper. Manufactured without the use of binders or surfactants, ion levels and organic extractables remain low. Durx® 670 can be used for cleaning and maintenance in laboratories as well as aerospace and defense, microelectronics, food processing, pharmaceutical, and biomedical device manufacturing environments.

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Pro-Wipe® 750 is a solvent-resistant wiper with superior absorbency. It makes an excellent upgrade for industrial wiper users. It is composed of a layer of cellulose bonded between two outer layers of polypropylene. This combination of properties provides Pro-Wipe® 750 with exceptional cleanliness, absorbency, and chemical resistance to strong solvents.

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Pro-Wipe® 880


Pro-Wipe® 880 is ideal for cleaning areas in which acids and solvents are a concern. The multilayer construction produces a soft material that won’t scratch or abrade even the most sensitive parts. It is appropriate for use in laboratories as well as aerospace and defense, microelectronics, food processing, photo and print processing, pharmaceutical, and biomedical device manufacturing environments.

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Superior strength and absorbency make Durx® 670 Rolls an ideal choice for a general purpose wiper. Manufactured without the use of binders or surfactants, ion levels and organic extractables remain low. Durx® 670 wipers can be used for cleaning and maintenance in laboratories, aerospace, defense electronics, food processing, computer assembly and semiconductor, circuit board, pharmaceutical, and biomedical device manufacturing.

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Pro-Wipe® AP is an all purpose industrial rayon/polyester nonwoven wiper. Durable and low-linting, Pro-Wipe ® AP is tough enough to be a rag replacement and clean enough to be used in a controlled manufacturing environment.

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Composed of 100% polypropylene meltblown, Pro-Wipe OS is engineered for oil absorption and retention. Surfactant free and low linting. Pro-Wipe OS also is an Ideal wiper for use in applications where cleanliness is vital in the manufacturing environment.

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Polx® 1200


Polx® 1200 is a knife-cut, unlaundered cleanroom wiper recommended for ISO Class 5 and above environments composed of 100% continuous filament polyester knit fabric. This combination of properties provides Polx® 1200 with the cleanliness, abrasion resistance and chemical compatibility required for ISO Class 5 and above environments and applications requiring critical control of contaminants combined with good performance. Polx® 1200 is meant to and lower cost less critical nonwovens. Designed for applications requiring better cleanliness than a nonwoven, but not the high level of cleanliness provided by a laundered knit.

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